Mulled Negroni

Mulled Negroni

Up your cocktail game in winter with this Mulled Negroni. It’s basically a mulled wine base spiked with gin and Campari but it is oh so delicious and will go down a treat when it’s cold. Christmas in July? Serve your guests these as the spices evoke all the flavours of the festive season too.

For this one, we’ve replaced the vermouth with our version of a spiked mulled wine. At its core, vermouth is wine infused with herbs and spices then fortified with a spirit. Sugar is also added. So really, we started off making a mulled wine then added an apricot brandy at the end to fortify it. It’s delicious enough to drink on its own! You don’t add the apricot brandy at the beginning because you don’t want that alcohol to evaporate away. It’s also the same principle that’s carried through in the making of the actual Mulled Negroni and not over-boiling the gin and Campari once they are added. Whilst the flavours do meld together, you will still be able to taste the gin and the Campari.

The recipe makes around 450ml of Mulled Negroni - this ought to serve around 4-5 people depending on how big your serving cups are.

How to make the vermouth base aka mulled wine


  • 125ml red wine (we used a Shiraz that is quite fruity)

  • 30ml orange oleo saccharum (this is effectively a concentrated syrup extracted from the the oils in the orange peel but if you don’t have this, just use a normal sugar syrup that you make by dissolving 15ml sugar with 15ml water)

  • Spices - 1 cinnamon stick, few cloves and few star anise

  • Orange peel (we only used a small strip)

  • 30ml Marionette Apricot Brandy (if you don’t have this, you can use any other brandy)


  • Put the wine with the spices and orange peel in a pan and simmer over a low heat. Do not let this boil.

  • Add syrup then stir to dissolve.

  • Add apricot brandy and then turn off the heat after about 1 minute.

Mulled Negroni

How to make a Mulled Negroni


  • 150ml vermouth base

  • 150ml gin

  • 150ml Campari


  • Heat up the vermouth base gently.

  • Once it is warmed up, add the gin and Campari.

  • Stir to mix and let simmer for about a minute then turn off the heat.

  • Ladle into individual cups and garnish with orange peel